Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh My!!

Ok well last night while we are watching the Olympics I glance over and notice Landry is standing with scissors .... yes you know what I am about to say ... He had cut his bangs. Not all of them mind you just a clear up and down cut that looks not so nice. We will be getting that taken care of this next week so he looks nice for his first day of Kindergarten. I did not take a picture. I did cry about it.


The Sutherland Family said...

I am afraid you must take a picture (at least for yourself for posterity-and if for nothing else, but to prove to him what he did when he's older.) Right before I went to Kindergarten, a little friend cut my hair above my ear on one side (it was below my shoulders). I thought my mom was going to come unglued. So I went to school with a haircut that looked like Mia Farrow when she went real short. Anyway, too funny (or at least it will be someday. . . )



Lori P said...

awww...his right of passage. :)
Remember when Maggie cut her bangs...all the way up to her scalp?!!! There was no saving that! Anyway, you really must take a picture. If nothing else, just to show him when he is older. Maggie cracks up now when she sees that picture of herself so long ago. :) Fun times!!!

Love ya,