Friday, June 5, 2009

School's out for summer ....

The school year is done for 2008-2009 ... we now have a 6th grader and a 1st grader - WOW!!!! They both had a great last day. The 5th graders had an award ceremony and recorder concert at 8:30 am and the 4th grade choir also came along and sang to them. Kelsey received 2 medals for being commended on two of her TAKS tests - Reading and Science. Also they recognized the graduating 5th graders that have been at Shawnee Trail since Kindergarten and it was fun to see Kelsey join the others that have been there this entire time. Good kids! After their ceremony they went over to Strikz for bowling, pizza, and games. I had fun working at the party and seeing all the kids.
The Kindergartners had their party that morning as well so Dave and I split time between being inside at the award/recorder ceremony and being outside with Landry. He had fun too. Lots of games and all of his friends. He loved school and we loved his teacher this year. It was a great Kindergarten experience for Landry and he made some good friends. I wanted to share some of the photos from the day.

Landry and Ms Griffith. She is such a nice teacher and we are so lucky to of had Landry in her class.
Kelsey and her homeroom teacher Mrs Jahn. She was very supportive of Kelsey and encouraged her to do her best. Fun fact about Mrs Jahn - her first year to teach after she got out of school was in Carrollton Texas and one of her students was Melissa from The Bachelor/Dancing with the Stars - fun!

Dave taking some time to chat with Landry outside before the end of their party.

Landry and I with his good friend Welsey. They are two peas in a pod! They have LOTS of fun together and Wesley has taught Landry all about NASCAR :).

Trying out his surf skills for our trip to California :).

Kelsey playing her recorder at the 5th Grade Recorder Concert - she made it to the top level this year earning her black belt :). Way to go Kelsey!!!

All the graduating 5th graders that have been at Shawnee Trail since Kindergarten - do you see Kelsey? :) She is in the brown shirt - ha! They are all in their brown shirts. She is on the second row.
Kelsey listening for her name to be called.

Kelsey receiving her medals and taking her walk across the stage. Ahhhh look at my baby girl!!!

1 comment:

Lori P said...

I just can't believe your kids are so grown up. Weren't they babies just yesterday? Looks like it was a great day.....major fun.