This morning we got up and had breakfast at the hotel and then headed on our way - we had a few more border patrol stops - fun. We stopped in Tuscon for lunch. We passed through lots of deserts with temps reaching 115 degrees - OMG!! We stopped to take photos of all the huge rock mountains and Dave wanted to climb them. We are now in San Diego and it is such a pretty area. Kelsey and Landry both said they wanted to live here for at least a month but then get home to their friends. Tomorrow we will be at Legoland!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
We made it to California ...
This morning we got up and had breakfast at the hotel and then headed on our way - we had a few more border patrol stops - fun. We stopped in Tuscon for lunch. We passed through lots of deserts with temps reaching 115 degrees - OMG!! We stopped to take photos of all the huge rock mountains and Dave wanted to climb them. We are now in San Diego and it is such a pretty area. Kelsey and Landry both said they wanted to live here for at least a month but then get home to their friends. Tomorrow we will be at Legoland!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Jonas Brothers Concert June 20, 2009
Last night Kelsey and I went to the Jonas Brothers concert at the new Cowboys Stadium with Lori Andrews her daughter Ashley and her friend Hayley and had a blast! First let me tell you that the new stadium is HUGE and so unbelievable!!! There is the BIGGEST HD digital screen in the world hanging from the middle of the stadium and it really brings the action up close so I can image that seeing a game there will be awesome! The parking lot opened at 4 pm and the doors to the stadium opened at 5:30 pm so we were there on time ... got in line right away and stood in the HOT sun at the door, thank goodness Lori new we needed to bring water with us for our wait. As soon as we got in we went to the t shirt stand and the girls all got a shirt then it was off to find our seats. We were on the floor (very cool) and to get down there we walked down a long winding ramp - a car could have driven down this ramp it was big and wide. Fun!!! The opening acts were Honor Society and Jordan Sparks - they were both great!
These digital signs went all around the stadium - I am guessing that this is taking the place of the ring of honor but not totally sure.

If you follow my posting you know I have trouble getting the photos to stay in order as moving them over to the blog so please forgive this mix up once again. :)
So a big, huge surprise happened - during the encore the stage started coming back up and the lights came up and guess who was singing with the Jonas Brothers ???? Miley Cyrus!!! She has a new song with the Jonas Brothers that they wrote together on the new Jonas Brothers CD, called "Before the Storm". Kelsey loved it!!! As did all the other people in the audience because the screams were so LOUD! :)
If you follow my posting you know I have trouble getting the photos to stay in order as moving them over to the blog so please forgive this mix up once again. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Summer fun has begun ...
Just this past weekend we had our first block party and had a great time. The kids worked really hard at soaking each other with water guns and water blasters -fun! Landry really got into it as you can see from the photos of him spraying down Kelsey. It was a water war between the boys and the girls. We grilled hot dogs and burgers and had a fun time visiting with each other and meeting some of the neighbors for the first time. The kids are ready for another one :).

Again I had trouble loading the photos in the proper order - what is wrong with me??? Anyway I am sure that is another topic for another time. Our talented neighbor Jody got out the flashlights and glow sticks along with her camera to make some fun photo art. The kids ran around in the dark with the flashlights and glow sticks as she took pictures - turned out really neat!

More water war photos ...... fun for the hot Texas weather (it will be near 100 all this week)
More water war photos ...... fun for the hot Texas weather (it will be near 100 all this week)
Friday, June 5, 2009
School's out for summer ....
The school year is done for 2008-2009 ... we now have a 6th grader and a 1st grader - WOW!!!! They both had a great last day. The 5th graders had an award ceremony and recorder concert at 8:30 am and the 4th grade choir also came along and sang to them. Kelsey received 2 medals for being commended on two of her TAKS tests - Reading and Science. Also they recognized the graduating 5th graders that have been at Shawnee Trail since Kindergarten and it was fun to see Kelsey join the others that have been there this entire time. Good kids! After their ceremony they went over to Strikz for bowling, pizza, and games. I had fun working at the party and seeing all the kids.
The Kindergartners had their party that morning as well so Dave and I split time between being inside at the award/recorder ceremony and being outside with Landry. He had fun too. Lots of games and all of his friends. He loved school and we loved his teacher this year. It was a great Kindergarten experience for Landry and he made some good friends. I wanted to share some of the photos from the day.
Landry and Ms Griffith. She is such a nice teacher and we are so lucky to of had Landry in her class.
Kelsey and her homeroom teacher Mrs Jahn. She was very supportive of Kelsey and encouraged her to do her best. Fun fact about Mrs Jahn - her first year to teach after she got out of school was in Carrollton Texas and one of her students was Melissa from The Bachelor/Dancing with the Stars - fun!

Dave taking some time to chat with Landry outside before the end of their party.
Landry and I with his good friend Welsey. They are two peas in a pod! They have LOTS of fun together and Wesley has taught Landry all about NASCAR :).

Trying out his surf skills for our trip to California :).
Kelsey playing her recorder at the 5th Grade Recorder Concert - she made it to the top level this year earning her black belt :). Way to go Kelsey!!!
The Kindergartners had their party that morning as well so Dave and I split time between being inside at the award/recorder ceremony and being outside with Landry. He had fun too. Lots of games and all of his friends. He loved school and we loved his teacher this year. It was a great Kindergarten experience for Landry and he made some good friends. I wanted to share some of the photos from the day.
Dave taking some time to chat with Landry outside before the end of their party.
Trying out his surf skills for our trip to California :).
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Birthday Parties and 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's Day at school
I am really not sure how this happens each time with the last photo moved to the top but it does!! I will make the best of it, will you? Good :). We celebrated Kelsey's 11th birthday with a sleep over with 5 friends. To start the evening off we went to dinner at Bucca di Beppo for some yummy Italian food. This was Kelsey and Landry's first visit (well really Kelsey had been there one other time when she was much younger - I think 3 or 4 we went with Rob, Megan, and Patrick). It is a fun place to go celebrate a special occasion. After dinner we came home and then Kelsey opened her gifts and she was very happy to receive gift cards - her favorite thing plus a really cute Webkinz. The girls then made some tie dye pillow cases - they turned out very cute and each one was different.

A pillow case race the next morning with the tie dye cases and yes Landry got to race too - he is a very fast pillow case racer :).
Kelsey and I made cake balls for the party - they turned out pretty good and yummy. I think the white and milk chocolate were the key.
Celebrating a special birthday at Bucca di Beppo. Thanks Kelsey for letting Landry join you ;).

Ok so this was taken this morning as was the first photo posted here - again not sure why that happens - ??? Kelsey is going with the 80's look today - very cool! We sprayed and teased her hair too. Landry is representing 1977 as he was Darth Vader - he took his light saber and his Darth Vader mask to school with him so it would all work ;). Gotta love them!
Ok so this was taken this morning as was the first photo posted here - again not sure why that happens - ??? Kelsey is going with the 80's look today - very cool! We sprayed and teased her hair too. Landry is representing 1977 as he was Darth Vader - he took his light saber and his Darth Vader mask to school with him so it would all work ;). Gotta love them!
Only 3 days of school left and then it is summer fun!!! Kelsey will be a 6th grader and Landry will be a 1st grader - time slow down!!!
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